Today, I visited a 7-day-old baby. The mother, Suhaibah is young – only 19. She got married to a 25-year-old man named Mahdim a year ago. I first met Suhaibah when I visited the home of another woman who lived near her. I saw Suhaibah with her mother and grandmother in front of their house and I decided to stop by just to say hello.

I introduced myself and chatted with them for a while. Eventually it came out that Suhaibah was four months pregnant. I did not want to lose that great opportunity so I offered her to check her pregnancy right then and there. After I examined her, I told the women that everything looked fine. They were happy. I spent almost an hour at their house. I explained about the importance of prenatal care, and gave them some do's and don'ts for a pregnant woman and her family. I asked Suhaibah to come to my house the next month to have another check-up.

Actually, I was surprised when I found out Suhaibah was only 19. That's too young to be a mother, and I knew I should pay special attention to her pregnancy. Fortunately, she did come to my house the next month, and I checked her pregnancy regularly up to the day she gave birth.

I was there to help when Suhaibah had her baby. I was attending my friend's wedding party in the district capital, but I knew Suhaibah was due to go into labor, so I told her husband to call me as soon as Suhaibah started showing labor signs. I was right. I was eating the wedding meal when the husband called me. I didn't finish my food. I rushed home on my motorcycle to get my midwife kit and then I rushed to Suhaibah's house.

When I arrived, Suhaibah was ready to give birth. But when the baby born, he didn't cry and didn't breathe. The family thought the tiny baby was dead because he didn't breathe. I resuscitated him and, thank God, he then cried and started breathing. I took him immediately to the district hospital to get newborn intensive care, to save his life. The baby weighed just 4.2 pounds and he needed intensive care because he had difficulty breathing. He was in the hospital for only 6 days. The doctors said that he was better and all he needed was to be with his mother, so that he could get enough breast milk from his mother.

I visit Suhaibah and the little boy almost every day. I have immunized him and I keep a close watch on his health. He is now 20 days old and weighs 5.5 pounds. He is healthy. He gets as much breast milk as he needs. I have shown Suhaibah how to do "kangaroo mother care" to keep him warm next to her skin.

The baby does not have a name yet. It is local custom to not name a baby until he is 40 days old. Also, both the baby and mother are not supposed to leave the house for the first 40 days after the birth. They are restricted to the bedroom. But Suhaibah is lucky because her husband and his family built a good new room for them. It's a simple room made out of bamboo, but it's large enough and it has good ventilation. There is also a small area with a cement floor for bathing. There's no wall or curtain, but they have a bucket with water and soap.

Various Deadly Disease In The World

Cancer Types Most Deadly. As we all know that cancer is the most deadly diseases throughout the world. On the day of the fallen world of cancer February 4, World Health Organization (WHO) announced the five types of cancer Deadliest, which ranks the top with the highest death toll.

Of the five types of the most deadly Cancers, it appeared that lung cancer ranks number bully, then at the second position is followed by stomach cancer and liver cancer which occupies the next position as the most deadly cancer in the world.
As for cervical cancer and brain cancer are not included in the five categories of the most deadly cancers.

And please note, that the WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years. Most cases of cancer usually occur because the habits and unhealthy lifestyle. But by modifying your lifestyle, at 30 percent risk of cancer can be prevented. And here are 5 types of diseases the most deadly cancers in the world as announced by the WHO "World Health" while welcoming the World Day (February 4, 2012).

1. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths)
Some types of cancer known to affect the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to the stomach. Development of cancer is generally found in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the presence of cancer is starting to fade. Experts think this decline may be triggered due to lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake and smoking.

2. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths)
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer caused by cirrhosis, which is the end result of chronic liver damage caused by chronic liver disease. Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver.

3. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths)
Colorectal cancer can begin to grow from the large intestine (colon) or rectum (end of colon). Initially, nearly all colorectal cancers are benign (polyps), but over time develop into cancer. This cancer is a type of cancer the world's third largest in terms of number of sufferers. Colorectal cancer is also the number two cause of death of two worlds, in which the age factor influences.

4. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths)
This is the most deadly type of cancer for both men want any woman. Each year, more people who died of lung cancer than breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancer (even though all three combined).

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke each day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar with a reduced risk of lung cancer. That variety of the most deadly cancers in the world, told Reuters Health.