Setiap wanita tentunya akan melahirkan setelah melakukan hubungan Suami Istri, dan saat-saat seperti ini tentunya sangatlah dinanti oleh sang suami. tetapi perlu diketahui bahwa proses melahirkan bisa berbeda-beda atau tidak akan selalu sama, Namun secara umum bahwa tanda-tanda seorang wanita akan segera melahirkan dominan sama. Untuk Mengetahui Apa saja Tanda-tanda Seorang wanita akan segera melahirkan, anda bisa lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Berikut ini 6 (enam) Tanda-tanda Seorang wanita akan segera melahirkan : 
1. Penipisan Serviks 
Biasanya pada bulan terakhir sebelum melahirkan leher rahim mulai meregang dan tipis. Ini berarti bagian bawah rahim sudah lebih siap untuk proses pengiriman bayi. Leher rahim yang tipis juga akan memungkinkan leher rahim membesar lebih mudah.  
2. Klep Lendir Terbuka 
Selama kehamilan, ada sejenis sumbat lendir yang berfungsi melindungi serviks anda dari bakteri yang akan memasuki rahim. Ketika rahim mulai menipis dan lebih rileks (akibat otot rahim mengerut), sumbat ini dikeluarkan. Beberapa wanita mengira sumbat ini terlihat padat seperti gabus, tetapi sebenarnya lendir berserabut. Warna klep ini bisa jelas, merah muda atau seperti darah dan dapat muncul menit, jam atau bahkan berhari-hari sebelum persalinan dimulai. Tidak semua wanita melihat tanda ini.
3. Lebih Mudah Bernapas 
Anda serasa dapat bernapas lebih mudah lagi! Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa posisi bayi telah menurun, menetap lebih dalam ke daerah panggul dan mengurangi beberapa tekanan pada diafragma Anda, sehingga pernafasan terasa lebih mudah. Tekanan pada kandung kemih juga bisa meningkat, yang berarti akan lebih sering ke kamar mandi. Orang lain mungkin mengomentari penampilan anda yang berubah, walaupun anda tidak menyadarinya sama sekali.
4. Pecah Ketuban 
Cairan ketuban keluar! Hanya 1 dari 10 pengalaman wanita yang dramatis menyemburkan cairan ketuban. Dan itu pun biasanya terjadi di rumah, sering di tempat tidur. Kadang-kadang kantung ketuban pecah sebelum persalinan dimulai. Cairan ini membantu proses kelahiran lebih mudah, karena jalur lahir akan lebih licin. Cukup sulit membedakan urin dari cairan ketuban. Anda perlu mencoba untuk menentukan apakah cairan tersebut berbau seperti urin atau tidak berbau. Jika tidak tampak seperti urin, anda sebaiknya menghubungi dokter kehamilan anda.
5. Dilation/Pelebaran 
Pembukaan pada leher rahim. Pelebaran adalah proses pembukaan leher rahim dalam persiapan untuk persalinan. Pelebaran ini biasanya diukur dalam sentimeter. "Fully dilated(Sepenuhnya melebar)" berarti ukuran leher rahim anda berada di 10 cm dan siap untuk melahirkan.
6. Kontraksi yang Konsisten 
Ketika Anda mulai mengalami kontraksi yang teratur, ini adalah indikasi kuat bahwa Anda berada siap untuk melahirkan (tanda-tanda mau melahirkan lebih jelas). Ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk mencatat waktu interval saat kontraksi dimulai dan berapa lama kontraksi bertahan. Kontraksi ini mungkin serasa seperti kram saat menstruasi atau seperti nyeri punggung bagian bawah yang datang dan pergi. Pada tahap awal persalinan, interval kontraksi terjadi antara 20 sampai 30 menit.

Setelah selang beberapa jam kontraksi biasanya akan mulai terjadi pada interval yang lebih pendek, dan anda mungkin merasa terjadi setiap 10-15 menit atau kurang. Ketika kontraksi secara konsisten terjadi dalam 5 menit, sekarang saatnya untuk menghubungi dokter kandungan anda. 

Kontraksi tanda-tanda akan melahirkan bisanya berciri-ciri seperti berikut :
  • Lebih regular.
  • Memiliki pola yang dapat diprediksi (misal : setiap 6 menit).
  • Jarak tiap Kontraksi terus mendekat, lebih lama, dan terasa semakin kuat.
  • Setiap kontraksi dirasakan pertama di daerah punggung bawah dan kemudian berlanjut ke depan atau sebaliknya.
  • Merubah posisi tubuh/aktivitas tidak akan memperlambat/menghentikan kontraksi.
  • Darah bisa saja keluar.
  • Dokter akan melihat perubahan pada serviks, seperti penipisan (thinning), atau pelebaran (dilation).
Tak bisa dipungkiri Kegemukan atau Obesitas pada Anak salah satunya berkaitan dengan kebiasaan makan mereka. Karena itu, ketika masalah ini hendak dicarikan jalan keluarnya, urusan kebiasaan makan mutlak perlu ditata ulang dari berbagai aspek. Serta tak ketinggalan, mengubah gaya hidup dari yang lebih senang duduk menjadi gaya hidup yang lebih banyak bergerak demi membakar lemak.

Tujuan utama menangani anak kegemukan bukan semata-mata menurunkan berat badan tetapi lebih pada memperlambat ataupun menghentikan penambahan berat badannya. Maklum, anak-anak itu sedang dalam fase pertumbuhan yang membutuhkan asupan gizi yang memadai. Karenanya, menangani anak kegemukan ataupun Obesitas lebih sulit dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa. Butuh kesabaran dan ketelatenan, juga waktu yang lebih lama. Bisa satu atau dua tahun, atau bahkan lebih lama.

Selama proses penuruna berat badan itu berlangsung, dilakukan penataan ulang dengan mengatur perilaku makan yang baru bagi si anak. Perubahan perilaku ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama untuk penyesuaian. Selain itu, tak hanya si anak yang terlibat tapi juga orang tua dan seluruh anggota keluarga. Karena anak punya kebiasaan meniru dari orang di sekitarnya, maka peran orang tua memberi contoh pada mereka sangat diperlukan. Baik memberi contoh kebiasaan makan yang baik maupun kebiasaan beraktivitas.

Tidak melewati batas Yang pertama perlu diketahui orang tua, khususnya ibu dalam menangani anak kegemukan atau obesitas ini adalah berapa kebutuhan gizi anaknya. Dengan memberikan makanan yang sesuai dengan kecukupan gizinya, maka pertumbuhan anak agar tetap baik, tubuhnya pun tidak melar ke samping. Anak gemuk biasanya identik dengan gembul. Pastinya mereka suka makan. Kalau ada yang berkilah, “Tapi, tidak makan apa-apa tuh!”, para ahli medis biasanya sulit mempercayainya. Sebab, kegemukan umumnya terjadi akibat kelebihan kalori yang oleh tubuh diubah menjadi lemak. Semua kalori berasal dari makanan. Khusus untuk anak-anak yang kegemukan dan obesitas, jalan keluarnya bukan diet ketat yang akan membuat anak itu malas melakukannya. Tapi, biarkan mereka makan apa saja asalkan makanannya padat gizi, bergizi seimbnag; diatur porsinya agar tak melebihi batas. Juga kadar lemaknya dikurangi. Mereka tetap boleh makan 1 porsi nasi lengkap dengan lauk atau 1 porsi mi ayam bakso/pangsit, atau 1 porsi spaghetty meat ball.

Untuk sumber karbohidratnya pilih yang terbuat dari biji-bijian (nasi, pasta, roti gandum). Tubuh memerlukan karbohidrat sebagai sumber energi utama. Jangan lupa, sertakan pula sumber karbohidrat jenis serat seperti yang terdapat pada sayuran dan buah-buahan. Karbohidrat jenis ini dapat mengendalikan berat badan. Lengkapi sumber karbohidrat tersebut dengan 2 – 3 porsi protein hewani dan nabati yang terbuat dari kacang-kacangan seperti tahu dan tempe. Protein hewani yang diberikan dipilih yang tak berlemak seperti daging sapi kurus, ayam tanpa kulit dan lemak, ikan laut. Karena gorengan menambah asupan lemak jenuh, sajikan menu ini bergantian dengan yang tak digoreng.

Bila hari ini anak Anda sudah diberi menu gorengan yang merupakan kesukaan anak-anak, besok berikan mereka menu yang tidak digoreng tapi yang tetap disukai anak-anak. Anak biasanya suka sup, maka buatkan mereka aneka sup seperti sup ayam, sup daging, sup ikan, atau sup udang, dari hari ke hari.

Makanan mereka perlu bervariasi karena biasanya anak bosan kalau makanannya itu-itu saja, apalagi kalau makanan itu bukan makanan favoritnya. Lagi pula, setiap bahan makanan mengandung zat gizi yang berbeda-beda. Dengan bahan makanan yang bervariasi, anak akan mendapatkan aneka zat gizi yang masing-masing memiliki fungsi berbeda-beda. Bosan dengan sup, hidangkan makanan favorit lainnya. Bisa burger, spageti, steik, dan sebagainya.

Musuh utama Dalam memerangi kegemukan dan obesitas pada anak, lemak menjadi sasaran utama. Walapun jadi target utama, lemak tidak perlu dibuang sama sekali, cukup dikurangi saja. Karena tubuh anak membutuhkan lemak untuk proses tumbuh kembangnya. Hanya saja pilihlah lemak baik seperti yang terdapat pada ikan laut. Kandungan omega-3 pada ikan laut diperlukan untuk perkembangan dan fungsi otak. Anjuran para ahli gizi untuk asupan lemak pada anak dengan berat badan lebih adalah 25 – 30% dari total kalori.

Untuk pola makan 1.500 kal, asupan lemak hendaknya antara 33–42 g, sedangkan untuk 1.800 kal, 50–60 g. Susu juga merupakan sumber lemak dan sekaligus juga sumber kalsium yang baik bagi pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi. Karenanya, walaupun anak sudah memilih berat badan lebih, ia harus tetap minum susu 2 gelas per hari.

Pada anak gemuk, karen kandungan lemak dalam tubuhnya sudah lebih, maka susu yang diminum haruslah susu rendah atau tanpa lemak. Tapi aturan ini tidak berlaku bagi anak di bawah usia dua tahun. Kebiasaan para ibu memberikan susu pada saat anaknya sedang tidur pulas karena khawatir anaknya lapar, perlu dihilangkan. Anak gemuk perlu diperhatikan kadar kolesterol dalam darahnya. Soalnya, kebanyakan dari mereka kadar kolesterol dalam darahnya tinggi.

Dalam sebuah penelitian terbukti anak-anak yang berberat badan lebih, apalagi sampai obesitas, pembuluh darahnya mulai mengalami pengerasan seperit yang terjadi pada orang tua sebagai akibat penumpukan lemak (plak). Bila ini terjadi, risiko mereka terkena serangan jantung koroner ataupun stroke di usia muda semakin besar. Itu sebabnya, asupan kolesterol sebaiknya batasi tidak lebih dari 300 mg per hari. Yang penting, dalam menu mereka jangan lupa dimasukkan unsur buah dan sayur yang terkenal rendah kalori dan rendah lemak, kaya serat.

Selain itu, juga mensuplai vitamin dan mineral sehingga dapat membantu mengontrol berat badan. Ngemil tetap boleh Rasanya, tak ada anak yang tak doyan ngemil. Kedoyanan ini bukan semata-mata salah anak tapi bisa karena meniru orang tua atau karena orang tua biasa memberikan hadiah berupa camilan seperti es krim, cokelat, permen, biskuit, ataupun snack ringan atas prestasi atau perbuatan baik si anak.

Mulai sekarang, para orang tua perlu menyingkirkan kebiasaan itu. Bila ingin menghadiahkan sesuatu pada anak, berikanlah barang non-makanan atau pujian – anak biasanya senang bila dipuji. Kebiasaan anak ngemil tak perlu dihilangkan. Sebab, ngemil terutama di antara waktu makan, misalnya saat istirahat pertama ataupun sore hari, akan memberi suplai energi tambahan buat mereka untuk belajar atau membuat PR. Hanya saja, camilannya yang sehat, tidak manis-manis, atau goreng-gorengan seperti kesukaan anak pada umumnya. Berilah mereka camilan yang rendah kalori dan lemak tapi padat gizi seperti buah, kacang-kacangan, atau agar-agar dalam porsi terukur.

Ketika suatu kali mereka diundang datang ke sebuah pesta ulang tahun, biarkan saja mereka makan es krim, kue seperti teman-temannya. Toh, itu hanya sesekali. Tukang Tiru Adalah sifat anak meniru orang tua dan orang di sekitarnya. Karenanya, dalam program memerangi kegemukan pada anak, keterlibatan aktif orang tua amat dibutuhkan. Mulai dari memberi contoh perilaku hidup dan makan sehat, memberikan lebih banyak waktu dan perhatian.

Acara makan bersama keluarga akan menjadi waktu yang menyenangkan bagi anak daripada dia makan sendirian dan makan makanan yang buakn favoritnya. Mereka bisa makan sambil bercerita apa saja yang mereka alami hari itu. Meja makan bisa pula menjadi ajang informasi program diet mereka. Orang tua berkesempatan memberi pengertian, misalnya mengapa sayur harus dimakan. Atau, mencontohkan mereka mengunyah makanan sampai halus. Cara ini selain meringankan kerja alat pencernaan, juga mampu mengendalikan berat badan. Lalu, ajak mereka mengambil makanan sesuai dengan porsinya.

Dengan demikian, tak akan ada makanan yang tersisa dan anak pun makan dalam kalori yang cukup. Makan bersama di restoran juga bukan hal tabu. Tapi pilihan resto siap saji yang menjadi favorit anak hendaknya diminimalkan. Misalnya, bila biasanya Anda dan keluarga pergi makan di luar setiap minggu, pilihan resto siap saji mungkin cukup sebulan sekali. Minumannya cukup air putih atau teh saja karena soft drink dan minuman manis lainnya mengandung kalori yang tinggi. Bergerak dan bergerak Upaya lain mengatasi kegemukan dan obesitas anak adalah membakar lemak lewat aktivitas fisik.

Bila biasanya mereka menghabiskan acara sepulang sekolah atau akhir pekan dengan menonton televisi, main komputer, dan video games, kini harus dibatasi cukup satu jam saja. Selanjutnya, ajak mereka beraktivitas. Bermain–entah main basket, main sepeda, berenang–selama ½ jam saja. Jangan terlalu lama juga, karena badan akan terasa amat lelah sehingga tidak berkonsentasi saat belajar nantinya. Akhir pekan atau masa liburan merupakan saat yang paling menyenangkan bagi anak.

Untuk sementara mereka bebas dari beban sekolah. Mengisi acara liburan ini dengan jalan pagi, bersepeda santai, atau berolahraga bersama di klub olahraga yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan makan bersama, tentunya menyenangkan bagi si anak. Mewarnai acara liburan ke daerah pegunungan atau ke pantai tentunya saat yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh anak. Di alam terbuka ini, orang tua dapat mengajak anak melakukan hiking atau joging. Sungguh acara yang menyenangkan dan sekaligus membakar lemak. Mengatasi kegemukan dan obesitas anak dengan cara menyenangkan tentu akan memberi hasil yang positif. Tubuh mereka tumbuh sesuai dengan usianya tapi tak lagi melar ke samping, melainkan juga ke atas. Yang terpenting, penyakit pun menjauh.

Jasmine Benefits For Health


Jasmine Flower As Traditional Materials To Treat Dengue Fever. Besides being used as wedding decorations or as a mixture of tea, jasmine is also useful for various purposes. Chemical Constituents in the flowers and leaves as indole, benzyl, livalylacetaat, proven effective for :
  1. Stop the excessive milk out Way, take a handful of jasmine leaf, finely crushed, then stick around the breasts, every morning before bathing.
  2. Eye pain Mild eye disease such as red eye or Irritation Belek, can be Overcome with a handful of leaves of jasmine. Way, take a handful of jasmine leaf, finely crushed, then paste on the forehead. When it dries replace with new. Repeat until cured.
  3. Swelling bee attack Way, take a handful of jasmine flowers, Knead until smooth, then stick on the bee sting.
  4. Fever and headache Take one handful of leaves and 10 jasmine jasmine flowers. Mix all ingredients, Knead by hand, then soaked with water in a basket. How to use it, water immersion is used to compress the forehead.
  5. Dengue fever. Boil 7 pieces of leaves of jasmine and 1:25 grams of star fruit in 250 ml of water up to 1 cup water. Once cool, strain and Drinks in Patients with dengue fever. Perform 3 consecutive days with a dose of 8 glasses per day.
Papaya tree has been known since ancient as Nutritious plant or herb that can be healing various diseases. This nutritious plant in addition to use for Traditional Medicine, also in use for various purposes such  as cooking meat and increase appetite. Each section can be used Papaya tree, begin to root, stem, leaf, fruit, seeds and even fruit.

This article will only discuss the benefits of papaya leaves, because one part is also already have many benefits.

1. Pelembut meat.
The housewife may already be familiar with the benefits of papaya leaves to soften the meat. The content of sap (latex) in the leaves that will soak into the meat and soften. How, put stew meat in papaya leaves, or wrap the meat in papaya leaves when boiled.

2. Obat acne.
Did you know that papaya leaves are also able to overcome a stubborn pimple? Way, take 2-3 old papaya leaves. Dry in the sun for a while and then mash until smooth. After that, add one half tablespoon of water. Then apply the potion to the face affected by acne, such as wearing a mask. Take a few moments, then rinse thoroughly.

3. Increase appetite.
Not hard to make this concoction appetite enhancer, prepare fresh papaya leaf palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water. All the ingredients are mixed, pounded or blended, and then filtered to take water and then drunk. This herb is safe, even for kids though.

4. Anticancer.
Of the several studies described, the stem and leaves contain a lot of papaya latex as white as milk (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer, as quoted by the Journal of the Society of Biology. The sap is automatically obtained when we consume papaya leaves, cooked in any way.

5. Facilitate digestion.
Karpain compounds contained papaya potent inhibit microorganisms that interfere with the performance of several digestive functions, so that effectively suppresses the cause of typhoid fever.

6. Blood pressure control.
Way, take 5 pieces of papaya leaves, boiled with half a liter of water. Boil continues until only three quarters. Let cool before drinking. If necessary, add brown sugar or honey to taste sweeter.

7. Medicine for dengue fever.
Mix 5 pieces of papaya, ginger, meniran taste, and brown sugar. Boil until cooked, then cool before drinking.

8. Menstrual pain medication.
Take 1 sheet of papaya, tamarind and salt to taste. Boil with a glass of water until cooked. Let cool before drinking.
Soursop fruit called latin Annona muricata, also known by the name Sabrang jackfruit, jackfruit Londo, Jackfruit buris, and in Bali, Java is more recognizable as sugar apple, in addition to delicious, this fruit is also rich in drug content. Some diseases can be cured by dipecaya soursop fruit, among others: hemorrhoid, bladder, diarrhea, and ulcers can be cured.

Efficacy and benefits for treatment :

* Hemorrhoid. Soursop fruit is ripe. Squeeze to take water as much as 1 cup, drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.

* Pain Bladder Urine. Half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. All the material is made ​​compote cooked. Eaten plain, and performed regularly every day for 1 week in a row.

* Infant Diarrhea. Soursop fruit is ripe. Soursop fruit is squeezed and filtered to take water, and drunk in infants suffering from diarrhea as much as 2-3 tablespoons.

* Anyang-anyangen. Half-ripe soursop and sugar to taste. Soursop peeled and boiled with sugar, together with 2 cups of water, filtered and drunk.

* lumbago. 20 pieces soursop leaves, boiled with 5 cups water to boil until tinggal3 glass, drink 1 a day 3 / 4 cup.

* Boils. Soursop leaves are still young enough.
Temu Hitam is a bush plant, stem green and a bit soft because it is a false trunk composed of a collection of midrib of leaf, stem length of approximately 50 cm, and tall plants can reach 2 meters.

Temu Hitam is a plant that can live in the wild in the forests of teak, especially in Java from a height of 400-1750 meters above sea level and this plant likes fertile soil. Wide lancet-shaped leaves with thin strands of leaf, green leaf color to dark purplish brown. Flowers out of the armpit side of leaves or stems. Flowers covered by 2-3 midrib, 20-50 cm long flower stems and flower crown until creamy pink. This plant produces large rhizomes, tubers and is evenly branched stems. Temu Hitam had a different name in each region of origin: Intersection ireng Java (Java), koneng hideung (Sunda), temo groaned (Madura), Sumatra: Intersection of items, Intersection groaned (Malay), Temu Hitam (Minangkabau); Sulawesi: Intersection lotong (Bugis), Intersection leteng (Makassar); Nusa Tenggara: Intersection ireng (Bali).

Efficacy of Temu Hitam include :
  • Fertile womb
  • Worms
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Menstrual pain
  • Peranakan down
  • Clean up blood after delivery
  • Cough
  • Increased stamina
  • Increase appetite
  • Urine, blood found overallocted
  • Neutralize toxins in the body
  • Skin diseases such as scab, scabies, ulcers
  • Asthma
  • Sprue
  • Etc.
Utilization of Temu Hitam to prevent and solve problems :

Processing Method :
25 gram of Temu Hitam, 25 grams temu dribbles, 20 grams kencur boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk.

Dysmenorrhea :
25 gram of Temu Hitam, 20 grams kencur, 20 grams of turmeric, tamarind 2 segment boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.

Cleaning the blood after delivery :
25 Gram Intersection boiled with enough water until the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm. Cough 25 gram of Temu Hitam, 5 g cumin, 25 grams kencur, 5 grams pulosari, 5 grams of fennel, and drink the water.

Neutralize toxins in the body :
25 gram of Temu Hitam, 30 grams takokak boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc and then filtered and drunk while warm.

Processing Method :
25 gram of black meeting, 15 grams of bangle, 5 pieces of betel leaf, coriander seeds 5 grains, 4 grams of nut seeds and boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, then filtered and drunk. Do it regularly as directed 2 times a day. Moderate to severe disease still advisable to consult a doctor. [Prof HM Hembing Wijayakusuma, expert trasidional medicine and acupuncture, Chairman of the Association of Traditional Healing & Acupuncture se-Indonesia.
Today, I visited a 7-day-old baby. The mother, Suhaibah is young – only 19. She got married to a 25-year-old man named Mahdim a year ago. I first met Suhaibah when I visited the home of another woman who lived near her. I saw Suhaibah with her mother and grandmother in front of their house and I decided to stop by just to say hello.

I introduced myself and chatted with them for a while. Eventually it came out that Suhaibah was four months pregnant. I did not want to lose that great opportunity so I offered her to check her pregnancy right then and there. After I examined her, I told the women that everything looked fine. They were happy. I spent almost an hour at their house. I explained about the importance of prenatal care, and gave them some do's and don'ts for a pregnant woman and her family. I asked Suhaibah to come to my house the next month to have another check-up.

Actually, I was surprised when I found out Suhaibah was only 19. That's too young to be a mother, and I knew I should pay special attention to her pregnancy. Fortunately, she did come to my house the next month, and I checked her pregnancy regularly up to the day she gave birth.

I was there to help when Suhaibah had her baby. I was attending my friend's wedding party in the district capital, but I knew Suhaibah was due to go into labor, so I told her husband to call me as soon as Suhaibah started showing labor signs. I was right. I was eating the wedding meal when the husband called me. I didn't finish my food. I rushed home on my motorcycle to get my midwife kit and then I rushed to Suhaibah's house.

When I arrived, Suhaibah was ready to give birth. But when the baby born, he didn't cry and didn't breathe. The family thought the tiny baby was dead because he didn't breathe. I resuscitated him and, thank God, he then cried and started breathing. I took him immediately to the district hospital to get newborn intensive care, to save his life. The baby weighed just 4.2 pounds and he needed intensive care because he had difficulty breathing. He was in the hospital for only 6 days. The doctors said that he was better and all he needed was to be with his mother, so that he could get enough breast milk from his mother.

I visit Suhaibah and the little boy almost every day. I have immunized him and I keep a close watch on his health. He is now 20 days old and weighs 5.5 pounds. He is healthy. He gets as much breast milk as he needs. I have shown Suhaibah how to do "kangaroo mother care" to keep him warm next to her skin.

The baby does not have a name yet. It is local custom to not name a baby until he is 40 days old. Also, both the baby and mother are not supposed to leave the house for the first 40 days after the birth. They are restricted to the bedroom. But Suhaibah is lucky because her husband and his family built a good new room for them. It's a simple room made out of bamboo, but it's large enough and it has good ventilation. There is also a small area with a cement floor for bathing. There's no wall or curtain, but they have a bucket with water and soap.

Various Deadly Disease In The World

Cancer Types Most Deadly. As we all know that cancer is the most deadly diseases throughout the world. On the day of the fallen world of cancer February 4, World Health Organization (WHO) announced the five types of cancer Deadliest, which ranks the top with the highest death toll.

Of the five types of the most deadly Cancers, it appeared that lung cancer ranks number bully, then at the second position is followed by stomach cancer and liver cancer which occupies the next position as the most deadly cancer in the world.
As for cervical cancer and brain cancer are not included in the five categories of the most deadly cancers.

And please note, that the WHO noted that nearly 80 percent of cancer deaths came from low-income countries and middle. In fact, a quarter of them occur before the age of 60 years. Most cases of cancer usually occur because the habits and unhealthy lifestyle. But by modifying your lifestyle, at 30 percent risk of cancer can be prevented. And here are 5 types of diseases the most deadly cancers in the world as announced by the WHO "World Health" while welcoming the World Day (February 4, 2012).

1. Stomach cancer (740 000 deaths)
Some types of cancer known to affect the stomach. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to the stomach. Development of cancer is generally found in the lining of the stomach. Over time, the presence of cancer is starting to fade. Experts think this decline may be triggered due to lifestyle changes such as reducing salt intake and smoking.

2. Liver cancer (700,000 deaths)
In most cases, the cause of liver cancer caused by cirrhosis, which is the end result of chronic liver damage caused by chronic liver disease. Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis of the liver.

3. Colorectal cancer (610 000 deaths)
Colorectal cancer can begin to grow from the large intestine (colon) or rectum (end of colon). Initially, nearly all colorectal cancers are benign (polyps), but over time develop into cancer. This cancer is a type of cancer the world's third largest in terms of number of sufferers. Colorectal cancer is also the number two cause of death of two worlds, in which the age factor influences.

4. Lung cancer (1.4 million deaths)
This is the most deadly type of cancer for both men want any woman. Each year, more people who died of lung cancer than breast cancer, colon, and prostate cancer (even though all three combined).

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. The more cigarettes you smoke each day and the earlier you start smoking, the greater the risk of lung cancer. There is no evidence that smoking low-tar with a reduced risk of lung cancer. That variety of the most deadly cancers in the world, told Reuters Health.
Nature has provided various types of materials that can be used as medicine for the health of one of them XAMthonePlus, XAMthonePlus juice is useful as a form of anti-aging, brain health and various diseases.
Plus XAMthone consume in the appropriate dose can provide the perfect health and vitality, as well as mancegah of various diseases that can affect health. xamthone This is a premium health drink.

Below are some Advantages or Benefits XAMthonePlus :

A. With Drinking XAMthone can be used as a cure for cancer, diabetes medications,
diabetes medications and many others.
B. With a drink in the evening XAMthone make a deep sleep and wake up alive and
healthy, drink the morning can add extra power.
C. For youth or anti-aging, helps increase male and female hormones, promote the
growth and maintain bones, teeth hair.
D. Prevent or help cure heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes drugs.

Drinking Rules:
1. Drink 30 s / d 60 ml (6 s / d 12 tablespoons) before bed.
2. If conditions are tired or sick to drink 2 or 3 times a day.
3. During the healing period is recommended to drink more water, at least 8 (eight)
cups per day.

The overall health of the body:
1. Strengthen the immune system.
2. Heal the inflammation.
3. Improving communication between cells.
4. DNA damage fail.
5. Tool of the lymph system.
6. Maintains optimal thyroid function.
7. Reduce insulin resistance.
8. Help with weight loss.
9. Heal nerve damage.
10. Balances the endocrine system.
11. The tools of the synergy of the body.
12. Relieve hemorrhoids.
13. Help lower blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
14. Kemerah-merahan/bersisik alleviate skin disease (psoriasis).
15. Help heal wounds.
16. Relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that occurs in the wrist
and fingers caused by pressure that often occurs in the section. And usually
are caused by too frequent use of keyboard and mouse).
17. Removes dry scaly skin disease chronic (neurodermatitis). The anti-inflammatory
properties of mangosteen can reduce the scales and itchy skin disease.

Heart Health
1. Help prevent heart disease.
2. Strengthen blood vessels.
3. Lowering LDL cholesterol.
4. Lowering high blood pressure.
5. Helps prevent arteriosclerosis.

Digestive Health
1. Help treat GERD (chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid into
the esophagus).
2. Helps heal ulcers / sores.
3. Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
4. Help stop diarrhea.
5. Can ease the inflammation of the small or large intestine known as Crohn `s
6. One can prevent inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis).

Make More Younger
1. Increase energy, enhance the excitement and increase stamina.
2. Slow the aging process.
3. Help prevent deterioration of the brain disease (dementia and Alzheimer `s).
4. Help prevent kidney stones.
5. Help prevent nervous system diseases (Parkinson's).
6. Relieve pain from arthritis.
7. Repairing the damage from the use of painkillers (NSAIDs).
8. Aids to the eye.
Family Health
1. Reduce fever.
2. Overcome food poisoning.
3. Heal the wounds of the throat.
4. Help heal canker sores.
5. Fights bad breath.
6. Help reduce the migrants (the headaches).
7. Reduce the toothache.
8. Natural sleep aids.
9. Improved ability to cope with stess.
10. Improve mood and reduce depression.
11. Aids muscles and joints.
12. Get rid of acne and the defects of the skin.
13. Eliminating the bite marks, burns and poisoning.
14. Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension.
15. Relieve abdominal pain.
16. Relieve laryngitis (bronchitis), emphysema (emphysema), and inflammation of the
lungs (pneumonia).
17. Working as painkillers tightness / congestion in the nose (decongestant).

Men's Health
1. Help prevent infertility.
2. Help prevent prostate enlargement.

Women's Health
1. Relieve urinary difficulties.
2. As a gentle laxative.
3. Minimize symptoms of pain before menstruation (PMS).
4. Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
5. Decrease swelling during menstruation.
6. Meringkan pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia).
7. Relieve pain from the disease decreased bone density / calcification of the
bones (osteoporosis)

Children's Health
8. Help meringkan asthma.
9. Could prevent the disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and
food allergies.
10. Form teeth and bones stronger.

Overcoming Disease
1. Prevent gum disease.
2. Eradicate tuberculosis.
3. Decrease the side effects of lactose intolerance.
4. Helps prevent dysentery.
5. Help prevent central nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis).
6. Can prevent cancer.
7. Alleviate the chronic inflammatory disease (chronic inflammation) that attacks
the spinal structures and especially of the hip joint (Ankylosing Spondylitis).
8. Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cyctic fibrosis).
9. Prevent symptoms associated with lupus disease.
10. Reduce severe muscle weakness disease (Myasthenia Gravis).
[Article Source:]
Usually taking Anamnesis follows two General Patterns, namely :

1. Patients were allowed to freely express all the complaints and disorders suffered.2. Examiner (physician) guide patients express complaints or disorder with the questions addressed.
Taking a good Anamnesis Combine the two ways mentioned above.Interviews with patients usually begins by asking the name, age, occupation, address. Then ask the main complaint, that complaint which encourages patients come to see the doctor. In each complaint or abnormality worth exploring :
  1. Since when starting 
  2. The nature and severity of 
  3. Location and Spread. 
  4. Relation to time (morning, noon, night, sleeping, time period, after eating, etc.) 
  5. Another complaint that has to do with the complaint 
  6. Previous treatment and how the results 
  7. Factors that make a complaint heavier or lighter 
  8. Travel complaints, whether sedentary, gain weight, grow light, comes in the form of attack, and so forth.
At each Neurological Disease must also explored the possibility of complaints or Abnormalities below by asking the following questions:
1. Headache : Do you suffer from headaches? How nature, in the form of an attack or is it constant? Where is it located? Are progressive, more and more severe or more frequent? Is to interfere with daily activities?
2. Vomiting : Is accompanied by nausea or not? Is this sudden vomiting, suddenly, as if the stomach contents dumped out (Projectile)?
3. Vertigo : Have you ever felt as if you are moving around, spinning or you feel yourself moving or spinning? Is it something to do with the sense of a change in attitude? Is accompanied by nausea or vomiting? Is accompanied by tinnitus (Ringing in the ears, Hhissing)?

Perception Disorders (Visual Acuity) : Is your visual acuity decreased in one or both eyes? Do you see the double (Diplopia)?
5. Hearing : Are there any changes in your hearing? Is there tinnitus (ringing noise / hiss in the ear)?
6. Nerves Brain : Is there interference smell, taste, salivation (saliva expenses), lacrimation (tear expenses), and the feeling in the face? Is there a weakness in the facial muscles? Is the speech so slurred and pelo? Did you change your voice so hoarse, or bindeng (dysphonia), or so shrink / disappear (afonia)? Is the speech so slurred and pelo (dysarthria)? Is it hard to swallow (dysphagia)?
7. Noble Function : What about memory? Are you so forgetful? Are you content to be difficult to express your thoughts (dysphasia, motor aphasia) or to understand the speech of others (dysphasia, sensory aphasia)? How about the ability to read (aleksia)? Would be difficult to read, and understand what you read? How about the ability to write, is the ability to write changes, writing changed?
8. Awareness : Have you ever suddenly lost consciousness, not knowing what is going on around you? Have you ever felt weak and like mendada like fainting (syncope)?
9. Motor : Is there any part of your body becomes weak, or lame (hands, arms, feet, legs)? How nature, relapsing-remitting, settled or reduced?
10. Do you become deft movement? Is there any movement on the part of the body or limb loss abnormal and you can not control (khorea, tremor, tick)?
11. Sensibility : Is there any change or disturbance in the sense of the body or limb? Is there a sense of numbness, tingling, stabbing, like burnt? Where is it? Is there a sense of the spread?
12. The autonomic nervous : How urination (micturition), bowel movement (defecation) and sexual desire (libido) you? Are there any retained or inkontinesia urine or alvi?
Physical Examination
• General Examination- Sensorium (awareness)
The level of consciousness is divided into a number of which are :• Normal: compost mentis

• somnolence: The state of drowsiness. Awareness can be fully recovered when stimulated. Somnolence also called lethargy. The level of consciousness is characterized by easy dibangungkan patient, able to give a verbal answer and deflect pain stimuli.• Sopor (stupor): Sleepiness deep. Patients can still be woken up by strong stimuli, but the realization soon dropped again.
He was still able to follow the messenger that is short and still look spontaneous movement. With the patient's pain stimuli can not be woken up perfectly. Reactions to command inconsistent and vague. Can not be obtained from the patient's verbal response. Motion motor to fend off pain stimuli still good.• Coma - light (semi-coma): In this situation there is no response to verbal stimuli. Reflexes (cornea, pupil, etc.) is still good. The movement arose primarily as a response to pain stimuli. Patients can not be woken.Comma (in or complete): No spontaneous movement. There is no answer at all to stimuli howsoever pain.
• Glasgow Coma ScaleTo keep track of the level of consciousness can be used the Glasgow coma scale attention responses (response) patients to stimuli and provide value to the response. Response / patient responses to note are:
Opening Eyes• Spontaneous 4• Against talktime of 3• With two pain stimuli• No reaks 1
Verbal response (speech)• Good and no disorientation 5• Disorderly ("confused") 4• Not exactly 3• Moaning 2• No answer 1
Motor response (movement)• Obeying 6• Knowing the location of pain 5• Reaction dodge 4• flexion reflex (decortication) 3• extension reflex (deserebrasi) 2• No reaction 1o Blood Pressureo Frequency pulseo Frequency of breatho Temperature
Neurological Examination
Head and Neck- Shape : symmetrical or asymmetrical- Fontanella : closed or not- Transillumination

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Trigeminal Neuralgia is a complaint one-sided facial pain attacks are repeated. Called Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain is due to take place on one or more of the three branches of the nerve Trigeminal nerve. Nerves are large enough is located in the brain and carries sensation from the face to the brain. The pain is caused by a disturbance in Trigeminal nerve function in accordance with the regional distribution of innervation of one branch of Trigeminal nerve caused by a variety of causes.

Trigeminal Neuralgia attacks can last a few seconds to a minute. Some people feel mild pain, sometimes feels like being stabbed. While others feel the pain quite often, severe pain such as electric stun hit.
The prevalence of the disease is estimated at around 107.5 in men and 200.2 in women per one million population. The disease is more common on the right side than the left side of the face (ratio 3:2), and is a disease in adult age group (six to seven decades). Only 10% of cases occurring before the age of forty years. Another source said, the disease is more common in those aged over 50 years, although there are also young people and children.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively rare disease, but it interfere with the person's life, but actually giving the drug to cope with Trigeminal neuralgia is usually quite effective. These drugs will block the pain signals sent to the brain, so that the pain is reduced, it's just a lot of people who do not know and Trigeminal Neuralgia misinterpreted as pain caused by abnormalities of the teeth, so the treatment is not complete.

Problem Formulation
  • What is the definition of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Clinical manifestations of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Investigations pasa trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • These factors trigger anything on trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Our trip, trigeminal neuralgia disease and temporal arteritis?
  • Management of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Askep trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?

With the creation of this paper we can understand about trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis and understand what a nurse should be done to deal with trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis.

What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a complaint one-sided facial pain attacks are repeated. Called Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain is due to take place on one or more of the three branches of the nerve Trigeminal nerve. Nerves are large enough is located in the brain and carries sensation from the face to the brain. The pain is caused by a disturbance in Trigeminal nerve function in accordance with the regional distribution of innervation of one branch of Trigeminal nerve caused by a variety of causes.
Trigeminal neuralgia attacks can last a few seconds to a minute. Some people feel mild pain, sometimes feels like being stabbed. While others feel the pain quite often, severe pain such as electric stun hit.
The prevalence of the disease is estimated at around 107.5 in men and 200.2 in women per one million population. The disease is more common on the right side than the left side of the face (ratio 3:2), and is a disease in adult age group (six to seven decades). Only 10% of cases occurring before the age of forty years.
Another source said, the disease is more common in those aged over 50 years, although there are also young people and children.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively rare disease, but it interfere with the person's life, but actually giving the drug to cope with Trigeminal neuralgia is usually quite effective. These drugs will block the pain signals sent to the brain, so that the pain is reduced, it's just a lot of people who do not know and Trigeminal Neuralgia misinterpreted as pain caused by abnormalities of the teeth, so the treatment is not complete.
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Consuming Vitamin It Good For Growth Body, In addition That Can Prevent Vitamin also a variety of diseases that can strike at any time our bodies. For that we need to maintain stamina by taking a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin types below :

1. Vitamin A
To maintain eye health and night vision sharpens. This vitamin is also needed to take care of skin tissue, as an anti-oxidant and immune boosting.
2. Vitamin B
This vitamin plays an important role in forming red blood cells, forming new networks and expedite metabolism.
3. Vitamin C
The function of vitamin C is to treat tissue and bone. Accelerate the healing process to prevent cancer by destroying free redikal in the body, and also keep the immune system.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D works to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential to maintain neuromuscular function, prevent aging and heart disease.
6. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is helpful to form new tissue in the body, so the vitamin is widely recommended for those who had undergone surgery.

There are so many ways you can do to maintain the health of our bodies. One is diligent in taking Vitamins needed by the body. But that does not mean all sorts of vitamins we consume.
There are some things we have to consider in taking vitamins such as :

1. Identify in advance the types and benefits.
Because each vitamin has a different function that we must identify it first.
2. Noting that there is text on the packaging label vitamins.
We must first know what the benefits and material composition as well as the dosage and drink rules. And also we need to know the side effects of the vitamin.
3. Drink regularly as recommended by your doctor indicated on the package label and look up to a certain time limit, whether the vitamin is an effect as we had hoped.
4. We recommend that you do not consume a lot of vitamins at once. Make your priorities according to the needs of our most urgent.
5. Try to ask for a reference expert can suggest to us about the brand supplements are safe to use.
6. Do not take vitamins along with drinking beverages that contain soda. Because it can cause side effects due to the reaction of soda with vitamins.
7. If we need to supplement because of specific complaints, let alone
difficult to concentrate or to beautify the skin, we should continue
consume within one month. Due to a period of a month, we can prove what we drink supplement is beneficial or not, if it is not visible benefits of these supplements, we should stop for a drink.
8. Get used to drinking vitamin water or the liquid. Because of the way it will help your body to absorb vitamins better.
9. If we have certain allergies .. we should be more careful in choosing a vitamin again will we drink. We got to know some artificial additives just as aroma, yeast, and we must also pay attention to the expiration date of the product, and you should not buy vitamins in place as unofficial, the stalls, small kiosks or other retail. Choose to buy in pharmacies, because the storage system at pharmacies or drug stores offer self-service market is clearly a more secure and controlled.
10. Avoid drinking orange juice and coffee when we consume the supplement. Because it would interfere with the absorption of vitamins in the gut that would cause nausea and cause heart palpitations.
11. Make it a habit to consume vitamins in small doses but as often as possible, compared to consume vitamins in large doses. This is to reduce the risk of side effects such as excessive drowsiness and a sense of mules.
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was an English physician who discovered the vaccine for smallpox cure. He is the man who laid the foundation for immunology (science that studies the immune system).

Smallpox is a cause of death in the century -18. Jenner observed that among his patients, previously exposed to mild smallpox from cattle, have better immunity. In 1796 he presented a mild smallpox virus to a child. When the child was exposed to the smallpox virus that attacks humans, the child is not infected. He published his findings and became famous as the inventor of vaccination. He also introduced the term virus.

Through biotechnology lighting, various diseases caused by viruses have been avoided by the use of vaccines. The vaccine works effectively against diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses.
The basic principle of the use of the vaccine is the body produces antibodies to fight the virus attack. The vaccine is a suspension of microorganisms antigen (eg viral or bacterial pathogen) that a surface or toxins killed or weakened. Vaccine (vaccination) causes the body to react to form antibodies, thus resistant to pathogen infection later in life.

Making Vaccines

At first, the conventional vaccine is made. History records the discoveries of vaccines prevent disease pandemic. In 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine for chicken pox.
In 1885, Louis Pasteur discovered a vaccine for Rabies. Then followed the inventor of vaccines for other diseases.
Several types of vaccines are made by conventional methods are as follows :
1. Vaccines derived from pathogens that have been turned off by chemicals or by heating. For example, influenza vaccine, cholera and hepatitis A. This type of vaccine immune responses while only form.
2. Vaccine derived from an attenuated pathogen. for example, measles and mumps vaccines. Type of vaccine immune response raises a longer time.
3. Vaccines from pathogenic microorganisms compounds made ​​inactive. For example, the tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.

However, the conventional vaccine production is caused various adverse side effects, such as the following.

1. Pathogens that are used to make the vaccine may still perform metabolic processes (in micro-organisms such as bacteria)
2. Pathogens, which are used to make the vaccine may still have the ability to cause disease.
3. There are some people who are allergic to residual cells left over from the production of the vaccine, even though it made ​​the process of purification.
4. The people who work in the manufacture of the vaccine may come in contact with the pathogen, although prevented by safety (masks and gloves).

To reduce this risk, it is now making vaccines developed using genetic engineering. The principles of genetic engineering in vaccine manufacture is as follows.

1. Isolate (separate) genes cause illness from viruses / pathogens.
2. Insert those genes into a bacterial cell or animal cell cultures. Bacterial cells or animal cells that have been inserted gene is called a recombinant.
3. Will produce recombinant antigens. Furthermore, recombinant be cultured, in order to obtain large amounts of antigen.
4. Antigen was extracted for use as a vaccine.

Examples of vaccines that have been made ​​in this way is a vaccine for poliomyelitis disease, Godong, chicken pox, rubella, and rabies.
Eating Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Juice is a natural way of Detoxifying your body. Used to drink water every morning is also a positive beneficial body detox. Here are five helpful health tonic which detoxifies the body :

1. Orange Juice
Is a source of vitamin C, which is known to boost immunity. "Oranges rich in flavonoids, Antioxidants, which protect the human immune system to act against germs and bacteria that cause disease," said Dr. Rathod.
For tips, drink this detox would be better if taken before breakfast. "In this way the detoxification process will go well and you can feel its health benefits.," Said Dr. Rathod.

2. Pumpkin Juice
Pumpkin juice is an excellent natural remedy for those suffering from digestive problems and acidity. "It's because of its alkaline nature. Fibers in a bottle of pumpkin juice also cures indigestion, "said Dr. Rathod.

3. Water
Dr Poonam Rathod, health experts, say, regular consumption of water the body needs to cleanse the digestive system, and eliminate toxins and food debris stuck to the intestine. This makes the body and clean the stomach of food waste.

4. Green Tea
Green tea is a natural antioxidant. It contains polyphenols that help regulate glucose in the blood. "Polyphenols inhibit the movement of glucose into fat cells, thus preventing them entering the blood stream," said Dr. Rathod.
Choosing a perfume, it is not easy. Number of choices, from the smell, the price to attractive packaging, it sometimes create confusion. You even more difficult to make choices. To facilitate you in choosing the perfume and get the right flavor, there are four things you should know. Before you buy perfume, according to Annette Green, a perfume from the Fragrance Foundation, you should consider the following.
Know what you want
Ask yourself first, fragrance what you need. Is it to be used every day or for a specific event only. Sure, the smell and the material will be very different.
"For everyday wear, choose a flavorful citrus or fruit flavors, for a refreshing effect. However, when to wear to a party or other formal event, choose a scented flowers or wood," said Green, as quoted from

Identify the term perfume
There are some French terms, related to the durability of scent. It also should know that no one chose. For the most long-lasting scent term is 'Perfume'.
Then, for the durability of scent under the 'Perfume', no 'Eau de Toilette' and 'Eau de Parfum'. There are also 'Cologne', which can be used every day, but not too long lasting aroma. So you have to spray several times.

Buy during the afternoon
"The sense of smell begins to weaken, as the day goes," said Green. Indeed, when the weakened sense of smell, is the best time to do a 'smell test' of the perfume that you seek.

Check your skin type
Believe it or not, your skin type have an impact on aroma. If you have dry skin, oriental fragrance of flowers or shades, the smell will be stronger. However, for oily skin, you should choose a perfume that smelled strong, because a light scented perfume more easily lost.

Causes and Symptoms of Leukemia

When the Examination is known that Leukemia Affects the Lymphocytes or Lymphoid cells, it is called lymphocytic leukemia. Whereas myeloid cell leukemia affecting as neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils, called leukemia mielositik. From this classification, the Leukemia is divided into four types of designation :
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). Is the most common type of leukemia in children. The disease is also present in adults who primarily have 65 years of age or older. 
  • Leukemia Mielositik Acute (LMA). It is more common in adults than children. This type was formerly called nonlimfositik acute leukemia. 
  • Leukemia Lymphocytic Chronic (LLC). This often affects adults over the age of 55 years. Sometimes it also affects young adults, and almost none on children. 
  • Leukemia Mielositik Chronic (LMC) often occurs in adults. Can also occur in children, but very little.

Causes of Leukemia
It is not certain, but there are some factors suspected to affect the frequency of occurrence of leukemia, such as:
  • Radiation. This is supported by several reports of research dealing with some cases of leukemia that is more frequent radiological Employees suffering from leukemia, Penerita with radiotherapy more often suffer from leukemia, Leukemia incidence was found in atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. 
  • Leukemogenik. Several Chemicals have been identified are reported to affect the frequency of leukemia, such as environmental toxins such as benzene, inustri chemicals such as insecticides, drugs used for chemotherapy. 
  • Heredity. People with Down syndrome have an incidence of acute leukemia 20 times greater than normal people. 
  • Virus. Some types of viruses can cause leukemia, such as retrovirus, feline leukemia virus, HTLV-1 in Adolescents.
Symptoms of Leukemia
Generally Differ between patients, however, can generally be described as follows:
  • Anemia. Patients will appear tired, pale and breathing fast (red blood cells under normal causes less oxygen in the body, resulting in the patient breathes faster to compensate for the fulfillment of oxygen deficiency in the body). 
  • Bleeding. When platelet (blood clotting cells) are not reproduced with reasonable because it is dominated by white blood cells, then the patient will experience bleeding in the skin tissue (the number of red wiggler width / minor in the skin tissue). 
  • Esophageal Infections. White blood cells act as a protective immunity, especially against infectious diseases. In Patients with leukemia, white blood cells that form is not normal (abnormal) so it does not function properly. As a result, the body of the patient vulnerable to infection virus / bacteria, even by itself would reveal complaints of fever, white discharge from the nose (runny nose), and cough. 
  • Bone pain and joints.This is caused as a result of the bone marrow (bone marrow) by pressing solid white blood cells. 
  • Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain is also one indication of the symptoms of leukemia, where leukemia cells may collect in the kidneys, liver and bile that causes enlargement of these organs and give rise to pain. Abdominal pain can affect appetite, loss of leukemia patients. 
  • Swollen glands lympa. Patients likely to have swollen glands lympa, whether it is under the arm, neck, chest and more. Gland lympa duty filter the blood, leukemia cells can accumulate here and cause swelling. 
  • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea). The patient may show symptoms of difficulty breathing and chest pain, if this happens then it should immediately get medical help.
Herbal Medicine
Glaucoma is a leading cause of Disease Blindness No.2 in Indonesia. Because Glaucoma that when problems occur you should immediately take medication that can treat thoroughly, but no health risk to others. Choosing a treatment is necessary to be selaktif, not to do treatment only increased the illness. To facilitate your search for glaucoma treatment is safe and without side effects, we recommend to you to choose glaucoma Herbal Medicine with Ace Savor maxs that combines the mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop.

Glaucoma is one type of eye disease with symptoms that are not straight, which gradually led to more and longer eye sight will decrease so that eventually the eye will become blind. This is because the channels of discharge from the eye ball so obstructed dilated eyeballs and eyeballs will be pressing the optic nerve behind the eyeball that eventually the optic nerve does not get blood flow to the optic nerve will die.

Herbal Medicine MAX'S ACE Glaucoma Potent For Glaucoma :
Herbal Medicine Ace Maxs Glaucoma is the best solution to cure the glaucoma disease and drugs are safe with no side effects and chemicals, Herbal Medicines Glaucoma maxs Ace is the latest breakthrough for the treatment of glaucoma that brings together remarkable properties of Mangosteen Peel and Leaves of the soursop as well as black and rosella pure honey. Maxs ace herbal treatment glaucoma safe for the stomach because of the black rosella which neutralizes the acidity of the mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop. Mixed only of high quality herbal ingredients to involve experts in the field makes hand maxs ace as a natural remedy is appropriate for the treatment of glaucoma. Ace maxs juice made ​​from mangosteen peel and juice of leaves srisak. Xanthone mangosteen peel contains a substance, a natural chemical compounds with antioxidant function (an antidote to free radicals), antikarsinogen (anticancer) and antiproliferasi (bad cell growth inhibition). While the leaves contain antioxidants and srisak acetogeninns, disabling substances with the ability of cancer cells, and other dangerous substances 10,000 times better than the chemotherapy is working with slektif. Only attack the bad cells or substances by allowing healthy cells and other substances still alive.

5 Ace maxs advantage is
  • Consumption at night makes you sleep better
  • Morning consumption of energy and vitality increase
  • Helps prevent premature aging (anti aging)
  • Help increase the hormones in men and women
  • Help overcome the degenerative diseases (heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, HIV / AIDS) and other diseases. Function of Prevention & Treatment (preventive and curative)
In addition, Ace Max efficacious Treating Various Diseases In Here :
  • Hemorrhoid medication
  • Gout drug
  • Medication for high blood
  • Diabetes Mellitus drug
  • Diarrhea medicine
  • Kidney Failure drug
  • Glaucoma medications
  • Thyroid medication
  • Urinary Tract Infections drug
  • Insomnia drug
  • Coronary heart drug
  • Blood cancer drug
  • Liver cancer drug
  • Lymph node cancer drug
  • brain cancer drug
  • Lung cancer drug
  • Breast cancer drug
  • Prostate cancer drug
  • Colon cancer drug
  • Discharge medication
  • Migraine medications
  • Menstrual pain medication
  • Liver Disease drug
  • Pneumococcal drug
  • Pain medicine
  • Stroke drug
  • Tuberculosis drugs
You think you have problems with Headaches, Fever, Chills, Muscle Spasms and Difficulty Swallowing? the symptoms of tetanus, tetanus alone caused due to a virus in your body, if left to be dangerous because it affects the nervous system and muscles, how to treat the disease is now present Tetanus Herbal Medicine that is XAMthone plus, because XAMthone plus Extra Skin is made from the Mangosteen Contains Antioxidants and rich in Vitamins that can kill viruses and bacteria that cause tetanus, XAMthone plus natural remedies tetanus is safe does not contain preservatives and does not cause ide Effects.

Tetanus Disease is one of the Dangerous infections that affect the nervous system and muscles. Tetanus word is derived from the Greek meaning teinein tetanos of tension.

Patients are usually stiffened with Closed Jaw (Called Lockjaw), back arched and breathing difficulty.

Tetanus is caused by Neurotoxins (Tetanospasmin) from Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium tetani. Clostridium tetani bacteria are commonly found in soil, feces and pet and in agricultural areas, but can also be found in rusty iron, the tip of the needle / pin that is not sterile.

In the Newborns, the bacteria can enter through cuts the umbilical cord is not cut with a sterile knife. Tetanus in newborn babies is called neonatal tetanus and is one cause of death in infants.

Tetanus germs can attack humans and animals. Germs can enter through wounds, superficial wounds and injuries both great. There are a number of those infected tetanus due to dental cleaning using contaminated needles or safety pins germs.

Symptoms of Tetanus

The symptoms at first are headache, anxiety, pain in jaw muscles are then followed by stiffness (trismus), fever, abdominal muscles tightened, seizures, and eventually the entire body. These symptoms usually begin 8 days after infection of the body, and will attack for 3 days to 3 weeks. Pain in the jaw bone and teeth often makes it difficult for patients to cope tetanusmembuka mouth or to swallow food, and eventually can lead to death without prescription online pharmacy due to tightness or difficulty breathing. Tetanus itself can not be transmitted between human beings. Tetanus is generally easy to attack in those who have never received tetanus vaccination or in those who never get vaccinated, but more than 10 years ago. Patients affected by tetanus disease should be treated in hospital for intensive care.

Tetanus Neonatorum usually occurs in newborns. Tetanus attacks the newborn babies have been born in a place that is clean and sterile, especially if the umbilical cord is infected. Symptoms of tetanus in infants occurs 3-10 days after birth, the baby cried constantly and do not want to breastfeed, her fever, the central area was dirty and inflamed, reddened, and swollen due to infection. Tetanus can be fatal in infants, and many occur in developing countries. Whereas in developed countries, where hygiene and delivery techniques that have been developed, the death rate from tetanus infection can be suppressed. In addition to the antibodies from the mother to her baby inside the womb can also prevent infection.

Why should XAMthone plus as a way of treating the disease tetanus?
Mangosteen research is based on Biologically Active Material has a very rich with a high antioxidant activity is very strong, in addition to vitamins, poly-saccharides, stilbenes. Besides the mangosteen fruit is unique because it has the great additional Bioactive Xanthones.

This question is answered by recent studies that show that mangosteen contains a powerful antioxidant that is xanthone, exceeding several times the power of vitamin C and E.

In addition, xanthone has many health benefits such as cardiovascular health, especially to overcome heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and platelets. Xanthones also widens blood vessels and blood circulation memeperlancar. Mangosteen is also rich in mineral potassium, which helps metabolize energy. Properties of xanthone is not just an antioxidant, but also anticancer like Moongkarndi research. Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University researchers were testing the xanthone in preclinical research with alias SKBR3 cell cultures of human cervical cancer. The result? Mangosteen peel extract is a powerful antiproliferasi to inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition it is also extracts apoptosis or support the destruction of cancer cells.