Nature has provided various types of materials that can be used as medicine for the health of one of them XAMthonePlus, XAMthonePlus juice is useful as a form of anti-aging, brain health and various diseases.
Plus XAMthone consume in the appropriate dose can provide the perfect health and vitality, as well as mancegah of various diseases that can affect health. xamthone This is a premium health drink.

Below are some Advantages or Benefits XAMthonePlus :

A. With Drinking XAMthone can be used as a cure for cancer, diabetes medications,
diabetes medications and many others.
B. With a drink in the evening XAMthone make a deep sleep and wake up alive and
healthy, drink the morning can add extra power.
C. For youth or anti-aging, helps increase male and female hormones, promote the
growth and maintain bones, teeth hair.
D. Prevent or help cure heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes drugs.

Drinking Rules:
1. Drink 30 s / d 60 ml (6 s / d 12 tablespoons) before bed.
2. If conditions are tired or sick to drink 2 or 3 times a day.
3. During the healing period is recommended to drink more water, at least 8 (eight)
cups per day.

The overall health of the body:
1. Strengthen the immune system.
2. Heal the inflammation.
3. Improving communication between cells.
4. DNA damage fail.
5. Tool of the lymph system.
6. Maintains optimal thyroid function.
7. Reduce insulin resistance.
8. Help with weight loss.
9. Heal nerve damage.
10. Balances the endocrine system.
11. The tools of the synergy of the body.
12. Relieve hemorrhoids.
13. Help lower blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
14. Kemerah-merahan/bersisik alleviate skin disease (psoriasis).
15. Help heal wounds.
16. Relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that occurs in the wrist
and fingers caused by pressure that often occurs in the section. And usually
are caused by too frequent use of keyboard and mouse).
17. Removes dry scaly skin disease chronic (neurodermatitis). The anti-inflammatory
properties of mangosteen can reduce the scales and itchy skin disease.

Heart Health
1. Help prevent heart disease.
2. Strengthen blood vessels.
3. Lowering LDL cholesterol.
4. Lowering high blood pressure.
5. Helps prevent arteriosclerosis.

Digestive Health
1. Help treat GERD (chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid into
the esophagus).
2. Helps heal ulcers / sores.
3. Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
4. Help stop diarrhea.
5. Can ease the inflammation of the small or large intestine known as Crohn `s
6. One can prevent inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis).

Make More Younger
1. Increase energy, enhance the excitement and increase stamina.
2. Slow the aging process.
3. Help prevent deterioration of the brain disease (dementia and Alzheimer `s).
4. Help prevent kidney stones.
5. Help prevent nervous system diseases (Parkinson's).
6. Relieve pain from arthritis.
7. Repairing the damage from the use of painkillers (NSAIDs).
8. Aids to the eye.
Family Health
1. Reduce fever.
2. Overcome food poisoning.
3. Heal the wounds of the throat.
4. Help heal canker sores.
5. Fights bad breath.
6. Help reduce the migrants (the headaches).
7. Reduce the toothache.
8. Natural sleep aids.
9. Improved ability to cope with stess.
10. Improve mood and reduce depression.
11. Aids muscles and joints.
12. Get rid of acne and the defects of the skin.
13. Eliminating the bite marks, burns and poisoning.
14. Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension.
15. Relieve abdominal pain.
16. Relieve laryngitis (bronchitis), emphysema (emphysema), and inflammation of the
lungs (pneumonia).
17. Working as painkillers tightness / congestion in the nose (decongestant).

Men's Health
1. Help prevent infertility.
2. Help prevent prostate enlargement.

Women's Health
1. Relieve urinary difficulties.
2. As a gentle laxative.
3. Minimize symptoms of pain before menstruation (PMS).
4. Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
5. Decrease swelling during menstruation.
6. Meringkan pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia).
7. Relieve pain from the disease decreased bone density / calcification of the
bones (osteoporosis)

Children's Health
8. Help meringkan asthma.
9. Could prevent the disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and
food allergies.
10. Form teeth and bones stronger.

Overcoming Disease
1. Prevent gum disease.
2. Eradicate tuberculosis.
3. Decrease the side effects of lactose intolerance.
4. Helps prevent dysentery.
5. Help prevent central nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis).
6. Can prevent cancer.
7. Alleviate the chronic inflammatory disease (chronic inflammation) that attacks
the spinal structures and especially of the hip joint (Ankylosing Spondylitis).
8. Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cyctic fibrosis).
9. Prevent symptoms associated with lupus disease.
10. Reduce severe muscle weakness disease (Myasthenia Gravis).
[Article Source:]
Usually taking Anamnesis follows two General Patterns, namely :

1. Patients were allowed to freely express all the complaints and disorders suffered.2. Examiner (physician) guide patients express complaints or disorder with the questions addressed.
Taking a good Anamnesis Combine the two ways mentioned above.Interviews with patients usually begins by asking the name, age, occupation, address. Then ask the main complaint, that complaint which encourages patients come to see the doctor. In each complaint or abnormality worth exploring :
  1. Since when starting 
  2. The nature and severity of 
  3. Location and Spread. 
  4. Relation to time (morning, noon, night, sleeping, time period, after eating, etc.) 
  5. Another complaint that has to do with the complaint 
  6. Previous treatment and how the results 
  7. Factors that make a complaint heavier or lighter 
  8. Travel complaints, whether sedentary, gain weight, grow light, comes in the form of attack, and so forth.
At each Neurological Disease must also explored the possibility of complaints or Abnormalities below by asking the following questions:
1. Headache : Do you suffer from headaches? How nature, in the form of an attack or is it constant? Where is it located? Are progressive, more and more severe or more frequent? Is to interfere with daily activities?
2. Vomiting : Is accompanied by nausea or not? Is this sudden vomiting, suddenly, as if the stomach contents dumped out (Projectile)?
3. Vertigo : Have you ever felt as if you are moving around, spinning or you feel yourself moving or spinning? Is it something to do with the sense of a change in attitude? Is accompanied by nausea or vomiting? Is accompanied by tinnitus (Ringing in the ears, Hhissing)?

Perception Disorders (Visual Acuity) : Is your visual acuity decreased in one or both eyes? Do you see the double (Diplopia)?
5. Hearing : Are there any changes in your hearing? Is there tinnitus (ringing noise / hiss in the ear)?
6. Nerves Brain : Is there interference smell, taste, salivation (saliva expenses), lacrimation (tear expenses), and the feeling in the face? Is there a weakness in the facial muscles? Is the speech so slurred and pelo? Did you change your voice so hoarse, or bindeng (dysphonia), or so shrink / disappear (afonia)? Is the speech so slurred and pelo (dysarthria)? Is it hard to swallow (dysphagia)?
7. Noble Function : What about memory? Are you so forgetful? Are you content to be difficult to express your thoughts (dysphasia, motor aphasia) or to understand the speech of others (dysphasia, sensory aphasia)? How about the ability to read (aleksia)? Would be difficult to read, and understand what you read? How about the ability to write, is the ability to write changes, writing changed?
8. Awareness : Have you ever suddenly lost consciousness, not knowing what is going on around you? Have you ever felt weak and like mendada like fainting (syncope)?
9. Motor : Is there any part of your body becomes weak, or lame (hands, arms, feet, legs)? How nature, relapsing-remitting, settled or reduced?
10. Do you become deft movement? Is there any movement on the part of the body or limb loss abnormal and you can not control (khorea, tremor, tick)?
11. Sensibility : Is there any change or disturbance in the sense of the body or limb? Is there a sense of numbness, tingling, stabbing, like burnt? Where is it? Is there a sense of the spread?
12. The autonomic nervous : How urination (micturition), bowel movement (defecation) and sexual desire (libido) you? Are there any retained or inkontinesia urine or alvi?
Physical Examination
• General Examination- Sensorium (awareness)
The level of consciousness is divided into a number of which are :• Normal: compost mentis

• somnolence: The state of drowsiness. Awareness can be fully recovered when stimulated. Somnolence also called lethargy. The level of consciousness is characterized by easy dibangungkan patient, able to give a verbal answer and deflect pain stimuli.• Sopor (stupor): Sleepiness deep. Patients can still be woken up by strong stimuli, but the realization soon dropped again.
He was still able to follow the messenger that is short and still look spontaneous movement. With the patient's pain stimuli can not be woken up perfectly. Reactions to command inconsistent and vague. Can not be obtained from the patient's verbal response. Motion motor to fend off pain stimuli still good.• Coma - light (semi-coma): In this situation there is no response to verbal stimuli. Reflexes (cornea, pupil, etc.) is still good. The movement arose primarily as a response to pain stimuli. Patients can not be woken.Comma (in or complete): No spontaneous movement. There is no answer at all to stimuli howsoever pain.
• Glasgow Coma ScaleTo keep track of the level of consciousness can be used the Glasgow coma scale attention responses (response) patients to stimuli and provide value to the response. Response / patient responses to note are:
Opening Eyes• Spontaneous 4• Against talktime of 3• With two pain stimuli• No reaks 1
Verbal response (speech)• Good and no disorientation 5• Disorderly ("confused") 4• Not exactly 3• Moaning 2• No answer 1
Motor response (movement)• Obeying 6• Knowing the location of pain 5• Reaction dodge 4• flexion reflex (decortication) 3• extension reflex (deserebrasi) 2• No reaction 1o Blood Pressureo Frequency pulseo Frequency of breatho Temperature
Neurological Examination
Head and Neck- Shape : symmetrical or asymmetrical- Fontanella : closed or not- Transillumination

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Trigeminal Neuralgia is a complaint one-sided facial pain attacks are repeated. Called Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain is due to take place on one or more of the three branches of the nerve Trigeminal nerve. Nerves are large enough is located in the brain and carries sensation from the face to the brain. The pain is caused by a disturbance in Trigeminal nerve function in accordance with the regional distribution of innervation of one branch of Trigeminal nerve caused by a variety of causes.

Trigeminal Neuralgia attacks can last a few seconds to a minute. Some people feel mild pain, sometimes feels like being stabbed. While others feel the pain quite often, severe pain such as electric stun hit.
The prevalence of the disease is estimated at around 107.5 in men and 200.2 in women per one million population. The disease is more common on the right side than the left side of the face (ratio 3:2), and is a disease in adult age group (six to seven decades). Only 10% of cases occurring before the age of forty years. Another source said, the disease is more common in those aged over 50 years, although there are also young people and children.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively rare disease, but it interfere with the person's life, but actually giving the drug to cope with Trigeminal neuralgia is usually quite effective. These drugs will block the pain signals sent to the brain, so that the pain is reduced, it's just a lot of people who do not know and Trigeminal Neuralgia misinterpreted as pain caused by abnormalities of the teeth, so the treatment is not complete.

Problem Formulation
  • What is the definition of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Clinical manifestations of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Investigations pasa trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • These factors trigger anything on trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Our trip, trigeminal neuralgia disease and temporal arteritis?
  • Management of trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?
  • Askep trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis?

With the creation of this paper we can understand about trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis and understand what a nurse should be done to deal with trigeminal neuralgia and temporal arteritis.

What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Trigeminal neuralgia is a complaint one-sided facial pain attacks are repeated. Called Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain is due to take place on one or more of the three branches of the nerve Trigeminal nerve. Nerves are large enough is located in the brain and carries sensation from the face to the brain. The pain is caused by a disturbance in Trigeminal nerve function in accordance with the regional distribution of innervation of one branch of Trigeminal nerve caused by a variety of causes.
Trigeminal neuralgia attacks can last a few seconds to a minute. Some people feel mild pain, sometimes feels like being stabbed. While others feel the pain quite often, severe pain such as electric stun hit.
The prevalence of the disease is estimated at around 107.5 in men and 200.2 in women per one million population. The disease is more common on the right side than the left side of the face (ratio 3:2), and is a disease in adult age group (six to seven decades). Only 10% of cases occurring before the age of forty years.
Another source said, the disease is more common in those aged over 50 years, although there are also young people and children.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a relatively rare disease, but it interfere with the person's life, but actually giving the drug to cope with Trigeminal neuralgia is usually quite effective. These drugs will block the pain signals sent to the brain, so that the pain is reduced, it's just a lot of people who do not know and Trigeminal Neuralgia misinterpreted as pain caused by abnormalities of the teeth, so the treatment is not complete.
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Consuming Vitamin It Good For Growth Body, In addition That Can Prevent Vitamin also a variety of diseases that can strike at any time our bodies. For that we need to maintain stamina by taking a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin types below :

1. Vitamin A
To maintain eye health and night vision sharpens. This vitamin is also needed to take care of skin tissue, as an anti-oxidant and immune boosting.
2. Vitamin B
This vitamin plays an important role in forming red blood cells, forming new networks and expedite metabolism.
3. Vitamin C
The function of vitamin C is to treat tissue and bone. Accelerate the healing process to prevent cancer by destroying free redikal in the body, and also keep the immune system.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D works to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential to maintain neuromuscular function, prevent aging and heart disease.
6. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is helpful to form new tissue in the body, so the vitamin is widely recommended for those who had undergone surgery.

There are so many ways you can do to maintain the health of our bodies. One is diligent in taking Vitamins needed by the body. But that does not mean all sorts of vitamins we consume.
There are some things we have to consider in taking vitamins such as :

1. Identify in advance the types and benefits.
Because each vitamin has a different function that we must identify it first.
2. Noting that there is text on the packaging label vitamins.
We must first know what the benefits and material composition as well as the dosage and drink rules. And also we need to know the side effects of the vitamin.
3. Drink regularly as recommended by your doctor indicated on the package label and look up to a certain time limit, whether the vitamin is an effect as we had hoped.
4. We recommend that you do not consume a lot of vitamins at once. Make your priorities according to the needs of our most urgent.
5. Try to ask for a reference expert can suggest to us about the brand supplements are safe to use.
6. Do not take vitamins along with drinking beverages that contain soda. Because it can cause side effects due to the reaction of soda with vitamins.
7. If we need to supplement because of specific complaints, let alone
difficult to concentrate or to beautify the skin, we should continue
consume within one month. Due to a period of a month, we can prove what we drink supplement is beneficial or not, if it is not visible benefits of these supplements, we should stop for a drink.
8. Get used to drinking vitamin water or the liquid. Because of the way it will help your body to absorb vitamins better.
9. If we have certain allergies .. we should be more careful in choosing a vitamin again will we drink. We got to know some artificial additives just as aroma, yeast, and we must also pay attention to the expiration date of the product, and you should not buy vitamins in place as unofficial, the stalls, small kiosks or other retail. Choose to buy in pharmacies, because the storage system at pharmacies or drug stores offer self-service market is clearly a more secure and controlled.
10. Avoid drinking orange juice and coffee when we consume the supplement. Because it would interfere with the absorption of vitamins in the gut that would cause nausea and cause heart palpitations.
11. Make it a habit to consume vitamins in small doses but as often as possible, compared to consume vitamins in large doses. This is to reduce the risk of side effects such as excessive drowsiness and a sense of mules.
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was an English physician who discovered the vaccine for smallpox cure. He is the man who laid the foundation for immunology (science that studies the immune system).

Smallpox is a cause of death in the century -18. Jenner observed that among his patients, previously exposed to mild smallpox from cattle, have better immunity. In 1796 he presented a mild smallpox virus to a child. When the child was exposed to the smallpox virus that attacks humans, the child is not infected. He published his findings and became famous as the inventor of vaccination. He also introduced the term virus.

Through biotechnology lighting, various diseases caused by viruses have been avoided by the use of vaccines. The vaccine works effectively against diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including viruses.
The basic principle of the use of the vaccine is the body produces antibodies to fight the virus attack. The vaccine is a suspension of microorganisms antigen (eg viral or bacterial pathogen) that a surface or toxins killed or weakened. Vaccine (vaccination) causes the body to react to form antibodies, thus resistant to pathogen infection later in life.

Making Vaccines

At first, the conventional vaccine is made. History records the discoveries of vaccines prevent disease pandemic. In 1796, Edward Jenner discovered the vaccine for chicken pox.
In 1885, Louis Pasteur discovered a vaccine for Rabies. Then followed the inventor of vaccines for other diseases.
Several types of vaccines are made by conventional methods are as follows :
1. Vaccines derived from pathogens that have been turned off by chemicals or by heating. For example, influenza vaccine, cholera and hepatitis A. This type of vaccine immune responses while only form.
2. Vaccine derived from an attenuated pathogen. for example, measles and mumps vaccines. Type of vaccine immune response raises a longer time.
3. Vaccines from pathogenic microorganisms compounds made ​​inactive. For example, the tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.

However, the conventional vaccine production is caused various adverse side effects, such as the following.

1. Pathogens that are used to make the vaccine may still perform metabolic processes (in micro-organisms such as bacteria)
2. Pathogens, which are used to make the vaccine may still have the ability to cause disease.
3. There are some people who are allergic to residual cells left over from the production of the vaccine, even though it made ​​the process of purification.
4. The people who work in the manufacture of the vaccine may come in contact with the pathogen, although prevented by safety (masks and gloves).

To reduce this risk, it is now making vaccines developed using genetic engineering. The principles of genetic engineering in vaccine manufacture is as follows.

1. Isolate (separate) genes cause illness from viruses / pathogens.
2. Insert those genes into a bacterial cell or animal cell cultures. Bacterial cells or animal cells that have been inserted gene is called a recombinant.
3. Will produce recombinant antigens. Furthermore, recombinant be cultured, in order to obtain large amounts of antigen.
4. Antigen was extracted for use as a vaccine.

Examples of vaccines that have been made ​​in this way is a vaccine for poliomyelitis disease, Godong, chicken pox, rubella, and rabies.