There are so many ways you can do to maintain the health of our bodies. One is diligent in taking Vitamins needed by the body. But that does not mean all sorts of vitamins we consume.
There are some things we have to consider in taking vitamins such as :

1. Identify in advance the types and benefits.
Because each vitamin has a different function that we must identify it first.
2. Noting that there is text on the packaging label vitamins.
We must first know what the benefits and material composition as well as the dosage and drink rules. And also we need to know the side effects of the vitamin.
3. Drink regularly as recommended by your doctor indicated on the package label and look up to a certain time limit, whether the vitamin is an effect as we had hoped.
4. We recommend that you do not consume a lot of vitamins at once. Make your priorities according to the needs of our most urgent.
5. Try to ask for a reference expert can suggest to us about the brand supplements are safe to use.
6. Do not take vitamins along with drinking beverages that contain soda. Because it can cause side effects due to the reaction of soda with vitamins.
7. If we need to supplement because of specific complaints, let alone
difficult to concentrate or to beautify the skin, we should continue
consume within one month. Due to a period of a month, we can prove what we drink supplement is beneficial or not, if it is not visible benefits of these supplements, we should stop for a drink.
8. Get used to drinking vitamin water or the liquid. Because of the way it will help your body to absorb vitamins better.
9. If we have certain allergies .. we should be more careful in choosing a vitamin again will we drink. We got to know some artificial additives just as aroma, yeast, and we must also pay attention to the expiration date of the product, and you should not buy vitamins in place as unofficial, the stalls, small kiosks or other retail. Choose to buy in pharmacies, because the storage system at pharmacies or drug stores offer self-service market is clearly a more secure and controlled.
10. Avoid drinking orange juice and coffee when we consume the supplement. Because it would interfere with the absorption of vitamins in the gut that would cause nausea and cause heart palpitations.
11. Make it a habit to consume vitamins in small doses but as often as possible, compared to consume vitamins in large doses. This is to reduce the risk of side effects such as excessive drowsiness and a sense of mules.

Posted by : Blog-Health ~ Kesehatan | Medicine | Obat Herbal | Vitamin | Ibu dan Anak

Artikel Important Things to Consider in taking Vitamin diposting oleh Blog-Health Sunday, June 17, 2012. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Mohon Di Share Melalui Widget dibawah ini :